Job Duties Custom List 11-9199.01 — Regulatory Affairs Managers

  • Evaluate new software publishing systems and confer with regulatory agencies concerning news or updates on electronic publishing of submissions.
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Occupations with related tasks Save Table: XLSX CSV

17 occupations shown
Closely Related TasksAll Related TasksJob ZoneCodeOccupation
36411-9121.01Clinical Research Coordinators Bright Outlook Bright Outlook  
23411-9141.00Property, Real Estate, and Community Association Managers Bright Outlook
22411-3021.00Computer and Information Systems Managers Bright Outlook
13411-9199.01Regulatory Affairs Managers
12411-2022.00Sales Managers
12415-1299.05Information Security Engineers Bright Outlook
12511-3031.03Investment Fund Managers Bright Outlook
12411-2011.00Advertising and Promotions Managers
12411-3071.04Supply Chain Managers Bright Outlook
11341-4011.07Solar Sales Representatives and Assessors
11511-9121.00Natural Sciences Managers Bright Outlook
11311-3051.02Geothermal Production Managers
11411-9111.00Medical and Health Services Managers Bright Outlook
11411-9161.00Emergency Management Directors
11411-9081.00Lodging Managers Bright Outlook
11511-9032.00Education Administrators, Kindergarten through Secondary